Late Age Meets Mrs. Dalloway

I just came across this image by David Silver, who is a professor and leading cyberculture researcher based at the University of San Francisco.  On September 13, 2009, he snapped this picture of the window display of Mrs. Dalloway’s Literary and Garden Arts, a bookstore in Berkeley, California.


The Late Age of Print @ Mrs. Dalloway's

What’s that you see there, just right of center?  Why, it’s The Late Age of Print, of course! What a thrill to see it there!  I’ll have to follow up with David for some back-story.  For now, I can tell you that I initially stumbled across the image when a Google search led me to David’s Flikr stream.

Thanks, David — and my gratitude goes out to Mrs. Dalloway’s for not only carrying but indeed featuring the book.  If those of you reading this blog happen to see The Late Age of Print in a bookstore, library, or anywhere else in public, snap a photo, send it to me (, and I’ll post it here.


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